
See when camp sites are available

What is availability?

We fetch reservation data for camp sites. You can see the schedule for trip dates you picked.

If we have reservation data for the camp, it should show something like the following when you click it on the map:


Outdated availability

If we haven't recently checked for availability (usually within 1 day), the schedule and map markers will appear to be faded like so:


To see how old the availability data is, you can hover over each day (or long press on mobile). If you want more up-to-date information, you can either click the "Check now" button or add a Watch if you want to automatically check and alert on availability.

What do the colors mean?

Each day's availability is color coded based on the status. Here's what each color means:


Weekend dates have a dashed border to make them stand out from the rest. Here's an example:


If you're unsure what status a slot has or forgot the color, just hover your mouse over it (or long-press on mobile) to get more details.